The Madam Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, Moonika Kase, was received by the President of CIP, António Saraiva, to introduce herself and discuss Estonian-Portuguese relations and opportunities for cooperation.

According to INE, Estonia was the 61st client of Portuguese exports of goods in 2021, with a share of 0.1% in the total, occupying the 78th position in imports (0.03%). The goods trade balance was favourable to our country, showing a surplus of 20 million euros in 2021.

A member of the EU since 2004 and of the Euro Zone since 2011, Estonia is a small market economy with a high degree of openness (in 2020, exports of goods and services represented 66.9% of GDP) and which has taken advantage of the opportunities arising from the Single Market, especially in attracting foreign investment.

The country’s economic structure is based, above all, on the services sector (72.3% of GDP), with emphasis on electronics and telecommunications, confirming a commitment to technology-intensive products.